Wednesday, August 22, 2012


Results! 'O' Levels results! At midnight! I'm freaking out! Help? Please?  :|

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Live and Let Live =)

Have you ever made someone's day and known it? The awesome feeling of contribution to someone's happiness, however momentary, is one to cherish.
It doesn't matter whether the person is someone dear to you or a complete stranger, just that moment of fulfillment is enough to give you the sense of achievement that you need.
If you have ever felt like that, then you have truly lived.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012


You know how you read a book, really love it and then relate to it all the time? Well, that's what keeps happening to me ever since I finished reading "The Perks of Being a Wallflower" by Stephen Chbosky. I read it a while ago and did not begin a new book even when I could manage the time, because I felt that I was not yet done appreciating the one I last read.

This book has altered my perspectives towards certain issues and enhanced my perspectives of other ones. I often find myself defining different words, situations and stories in terms of the wonders mentioned in this masterpiece.

For example, the definition of the name Sam, in my mindset, is - An unconventionally beautiful, amazing senior who happens to be in love with the wrong person.

Patrick - No, this doesn't make me think of an awesome, homosexual person. The definition of this name is always - A pink starfish! xD
So this is an exception, but Spongebob Squarepants is always awesome! =D

Bill - An intellectual, caring person who loves to teach.

Charlie - A boy who thinks about the tiniest of details, takes a while to fit in, has the kindest heart and suffers socially until he finds his perfect place.

Infinite - The way you feel when you ride a pickup truck in a tunnel, just before you see the lights at the other end  =')

French fries - A day with mom at Mac Donald's  xD

Photographs - Something with which you capture the beauty of a person. No matter who the person is, there is always something beautiful you can find and appreciate.