Thursday, June 25, 2015

Yield points.

I guess it was inevitable. It had to reach the point where all measures seem as pointless as all the others before these. I guess some things never change. I should be happy about that. But at this point I'm kind of wondering why it is the negative stuff that stick around. Anyways, here's to more pushing around and shit. Till it snaps.

People and things and all

By the time this time is over, everything will still be the same. You just made that clear again. And here I was, thinking there was a limit to everything, including a person's share of indifference. Apparently not. So, yeah. Things will still be the same when this phase is over. But, hopefully, I'll be different. I want to be different. Maybe I will even want different things. I don't want to want different things, though.

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

We live half in the daytime, and we, we live half at night. (8)

So. It has been a while. A longer while to go. The days are okay, kind of. For the most part. I've been busy. Finally getting into life sciences club work and volunteering. Midterms have been taking up my time too. It really starts to feel strange in the evening. Then there's the night, which is stranger. Quieter. And just not right. I changed your contact picture on my phone. I cropped myself out of this one photo and all. You look freaking adorable, you big baby. :D Gets me through the days. And above all, the nights.

Friday, June 12, 2015

Lost habits and dry wells.

We forget. We forget what we used to do and who we used to be. It happens. Change is inevitable. That does not necessarily mean that it is the end of the world. Yes, shocker hearing that from me.
But, well, I've learned; we've all learned that this is how it is and will be. People change, things change, we change.
And life goes on.

What sometimes deeply saddens me, though, is when I think about how change is so much based on what we have and don't have. How much we try depends on what we own and what we do not; that makes sense and that's really okay. But isn't it sad to just stop trying after success? Isn't that when you make greater efforts to forever treasure what you now have?
I mean, if you've sought after something for such a long time, fought for something very hard, tried all you could, then it must have been very valuable to you. Is it still? Yes? Well, then go shout it to the world. Do it before you find yourself singing songs of the worth of water into an empty well.