Friday, July 13, 2012

At the Center of the Crossroads . . .

At times, you just don't know what's true and what's not. There are things that could be either, 'cause nobody said it was true, nor did anyone say it was not. So you just assume. But what DO you assume?
One of my closest friends, and definitely my wisest one, tells me all the time that we, human beings, always tend to assume the worst. In that way, we're prepared for the greatest blow. Anything better than the worst is just a bonus and that makes us happy. 
I have always agreed and believed in his theory, and I still do. But what happens when you don't know what  would be the worst? What if you aren't sure whether it would be worse if the answer to your unspoken question was a positive or a negative? What if you drew up a mental flowchart and then it just got stuck at one point and stopped flowing any further? What if there was a dead end? Which branch, which tributary, which path of the crossroad would you take then? What would you have assumed when you hadn't known what could be the worst?

1 comment:

  1. as confusing as this is, atleast you blogged again :P we need to talk about this maybe :P haha!
