Saturday, September 29, 2012


If I were to talk to an old friend right now, with whom I have not talked in a while, and the friend should ask me what has been up with me, I would simply answer with a nonchalant “Nothing much” and talk about ‘A’ Levels for a bit. But the truth is, a lot is actually up. Cascades of incidents are happening, and very fast, too. The problem, however, is that I cannot name the things that are occurring ; I just cannot put a finger on the precise words. Nor can I describe accurately what is currently going on with me, and maybe that’s because too much is being kept in the dark while a bunch of other things are being brought forth, all too quickly. And I hardly know which is which, or, what goes where.

Perhaps this is one of those times when I can say that I am both happy and sad and I’m still trying to figure out how that could be.


  1. Last line :D How I missed this excitement of reading your new posts :D

  2. Ahahaha! Last line sums up everything perfectly! :O I realized it while I was writing this post :P
    And yes, let's hope the flow remains(H) :P
