Thursday, March 28, 2013

Stuck In Reverse

Yes, I'm having a Coldplay fever, and hence, I'm using their lyrics for my titles lately.

I just stalked my blog. It has been exactly a year. Just one year ago, I began blogging, on one not-so-fine day, because I had nobody to talk to. So, I wrote. I do that quite often, actually.

So, has blogging made things better for me? I don't know.
Has it been significant to me? That's a definite yes.

I'm tracing all the way back to my first blog post. Bliss In Ignorance.
Do I still feel that way? I guess not.
I don't know if I've grown ever since that very first post, but I think there HAS been changes in the way I think. Even then, what I'm actually trying to get to is, I haven't really moved from where I was when I first started this journal. I look around me and I'm astounded by all the changes, the little and big happenings. Anyone who has followed my posts with the slightest attention will have known that my greatest fear is that of changes. Now that is something that has, well, changed. I am not going to put a name to my current greatest fear, but I'm more open to changes now. Maybe it's because I've dealt with a handful over the past year, some of them being quite significant indeed. And here I am, and I am okay. And I WILL be. Right?

All I'm saying is that, alterations in life don't always have to be bad. Some, in fact, even happen for the better. Others can be MADE TO result in something better. I once said something about always having a choice. I really do believe that.

Stuck In Reverse? That's a funny title for a post written exactly a year after Bliss In Ignorance. But life IS funny. Often with dark humor. But, then again, choice. And perspective too, I guess.
So, I'm still here. Same place, just a different time. I can't say I never tried leaving. But what happens when your escape route leads you back to Square One? Well, I guess then you just embrace it and remain there. And if you HAVE to move? Simply revolve around Square One. That's what I'll do. So, yeah.

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