Tuesday, May 28, 2013

When I Left early This Year, How I Wound Up Here, Is Anyone's Guess.

So, today makes four such Tuesdays of this year so far. That's already four Tuesdays too many for me. There's no getting used to this, ever.

Sunday, May 19, 2013

This. Here And Now. With you.

The night before the last was a sleepless one. I was listening to this nice song by The Cure. And I thought of a lot of things. Mainly about how I often pick out the ancient negatives, choose to hold on and let those have the effects. It's pointless. I mean, WHY DOES IT EVEN MATTER NOW? It doesn't. Not anymore, not at all. =) Nothing's going wrong now because of what ONCE happened. So, yes. I am a happy person. Because, life is beautiful.


So, I was watching this dumb show on TV. And somehow it reminded me of a movie that I watched before my O-levels exams last year. A Walk To Remember. I never really liked the movie. It was a bit too typical for my taste - Popular jock guy, nerdy girl; guy gets into some detention thing with the girl's club; he finds that she's different from all the cheerleaders he has dated; she keeps him at a distance at first; misunderstandings; opening up to each other - I mean, just how many movies have ALL that? And when the female protagonist gets a disease, it just HAS to be leukemia.
And the marriage part was a bit of a necrophilia in my opinion. But this I'd like to take back.
Well, the thing is, the movie did have really nice parts too. Like, all the wish fulfillment. And I was just thinking, I should watch it again. After my AS exams. Or, maybe during the exams. That sounds better, actually. =)

Friday, May 17, 2013

Hate Is A Strong Word, But I Really, Really, Really Don't Like You.

It was ages ago, but sometimes I can still see those two random, peering faces. And then I can see your face, oblivious to their presence. You knew they were there, didn't you? Yet, you chose to overlook. You didn't care. But I did. And God knows I went through hell for that. You're pathetic, you know? I'm sorry, but I can't always keep up this Oh-I-never-walked-in-your-shoes-so-I-will-still-have-respect.

Thursday, May 16, 2013


Love and gratitude are two separate sentiments. Several times they come hand-in-hand, but they're still not the same thing. If people could always distinguish correctly between these two feelings, I think a lot of mistakes could be prevented, a lot of wrong decisions avoided and a lot of hearts left unhurt.

Monday, May 13, 2013

" Sad ."

I had lost a friend a few years ago and then got him back quite recently. It was quite Infinite. But I think I'm about to lose him again. Oh well. It was good while it lasted.

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Let Your Heart Hold Fast

Sometimes, NO ONE gets it. And I'm not very used to this kind of thing 'cause I haven't faced much of it before. But I guess that's just how it is at times. And all you can do is try to keep going.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Uhh =/

I am SUCH a procrastinator. I had nine freaking months to study the biology syllabus. But I just HAD to start nine DAYS before the exams. And I had to push myself to finish it all in eight short days. I really don't know what to expect after this. But, well, the exam starts in a few hours. I just hope I can apply all that I HAVE learned last week. I hope I don't black out or something. May Allah help me and all those who are sitting for the exam today.

Saturday, May 4, 2013

~ Like Coming Home, Like Coming Up For Air.

2013. Wow. Okay. I'll turn eighteen this October.

So, April just passed by. I have always been afraid of this month for a few reasons, all having to do with bad things happening. But, well, it was different this year, to say the least. I had the best month.
It was... divine.
Yes, that's what it was.
And now, as I type this post, I'm wondering - hey, this divinity, why was it once a bad thing again?
Well, now I know. It was never a bad thing. In fact, it is the best thing that has happened to me. Ever.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Do the right thing.

"Sometimes we know what to do. It's just that, we need someone to tell us what we refuse to tell ourselves." ~ Preacherman, 9th December 2012.

I miss him, really. With the exams THIS close, less than a week away ( okay, just FIVE FREAKIN' DAYS away), I REALLY need him to tell me what I must do. I mean, I KNOW, but it makes all the difference when he speaks to me. I wish he was around, to preach. He still does, obviously, but sometimes he's just so terribly out of reach in the instants when I need him the most. And I know that a lot of people are feeling the same way right now.
Anyways, despite everything, I hope you're having the time of your life, Preacherman. =)