Sunday, May 19, 2013


So, I was watching this dumb show on TV. And somehow it reminded me of a movie that I watched before my O-levels exams last year. A Walk To Remember. I never really liked the movie. It was a bit too typical for my taste - Popular jock guy, nerdy girl; guy gets into some detention thing with the girl's club; he finds that she's different from all the cheerleaders he has dated; she keeps him at a distance at first; misunderstandings; opening up to each other - I mean, just how many movies have ALL that? And when the female protagonist gets a disease, it just HAS to be leukemia.
And the marriage part was a bit of a necrophilia in my opinion. But this I'd like to take back.
Well, the thing is, the movie did have really nice parts too. Like, all the wish fulfillment. And I was just thinking, I should watch it again. After my AS exams. Or, maybe during the exams. That sounds better, actually. =)

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