Saturday, June 22, 2013


I read about his sister. I read about the two people who stumbled upon him at his brother's party when he was young. I read about the pretty girl with the green eyes. I read about the talkative girl who fought causes and talked about women's rights. I read about the best friend who killed himself. I read about HIM, the main protagonist. And I connected to all of it, all of them. It's when you can read about fictional people and REALLY want to tell them, "It's okay. I know how you feel."
But they are nothing more than two-dimensional characters, trapped in the pages of a book. However, someone had to create them, right? Someone had to construct the plot, dictate and decide what happens to these people. And if someone came up with all this, then there must be other people who live through all these experiences. And, in the end, we are not alone. We are just similar individuals scattered all around the world. And, when we want to relate, it doesn't always have to be a method involving physical presence.

Tuesday, June 18, 2013


Honestly, I started my post-exam holidays with ZERO enthusiasm. I expected nothing of it, and surely enough, the beginning lived up to the expectations. But magic happened when my parents began to worry that I was turning into some socially-retarded freak. They started going out of their ways to send me out and make me plan activities and all. That I finally did. Not so much planning, though. But I eased up a little about the idea of dragging myself out of home. And things turned out amazing.
An awesome sleepover with a group of old friends made the entire holiday-time worth it. And then, believe it or not, there were EVEN better days.
But, I'm not going to say that I got nothing out of locking myself up at home for the first five days. I got to read this amazing book that moved me in ways unimaginable. If I were to describe the book in one word, I'd go for "poignant". It broke my heart, honestly. But it made me realize my field of passion. And, right after I finished the book, I woke up the next morning KNOWING that my main SAT II subject was definitely going to be Biology. I even ended up researching chronic illnesses, out of interest and also need, but I'm telling you that these were not even in the syllabus. When I very briefly summarized the plot of the book to my mom, it brought her to tears. I guess that's just how powerful it was. My Sister's Keeper.
When ("if") I go to school next week, I'll be proud of the past two weeks. I truly will. And I'll feel really good about this time.

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Chasing Cars. < Yes, that's the song. (H)

So, I'll keep this short.

Tuesday. <3

So, ummm, I just had a REALLY nice evening after a REALLY long time.

Okay, bye.

The Tide That Left And Never Came Back

For a few seconds, I had my friend back. It's not what you said, but the way you said it. Haha. :P
No, seriously, it was nice. And even if it was, like, just two sentences, it made me feel like you're still here, you know? =) And that was Infinite enough.
It would be wrong if I said I don't know what has happened ever since the last time I've felt like you were here. I know, you know, other people know what it was. But maybe it's just you and me who know exactly what it has been like. Or maybe even I don't know to the full extent. I'm not trying to tell you that it's fair. I'm just saying that, sometimes, it's just how things are.
Maybe you're being you now. Maybe who I used to know wasn't the genuine friend you really are, but it was definitely the person I had gotten used to. Maybe you have barriers around you now; not against me or anything, but just barriers in general. Hard to imagine, knowing you. But these happen. We've all felt the necessity to put these fences up from time to time. I had barriers too, several times in my life. I had barriers with you at a point, but they were for a different reason. Not to keep you out, I'm telling you. But just to keep you from wishing to reach here. It was important for you to retaliate and swing back. You did. And now I don't have to do anything. It just works out. So, that's great, I suppose. =)
Moments where I feel that you've always been here are good too. It has been long enough and now it's okay to feel positive about these random instants, instead of freaking out all the time. Well, there you go. Those two sentences of yours were powerful enough to bring me to this and lead me to directly address a blog post to you for the first time. (H)

Thursday, June 6, 2013


So, he returns home, stays undercover for a month, and then surprises us as soon as we're done with our exams. Who else could pull this off other than the very Preacherman? My vacation enthusiasm has been fully restored. It is scary though, to think of having another "End Transmission" at the end of August. Saying goodbye ONCE was heartbreaking enough. But, the truth is, I wasn't even expecting to see him in the next few years. It will be a true miracle to be able to see him again, hopefully next week. And I know there were times in the past four months when I felt like I'd do anything to see him once more time and just hear a few inspirational words. So, this is it. I feel Infinite.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Help Me Leave Behind Some Reasons To Be Missed?

There are people I love, appreciate and cherish. And they are amazing people. I find myself constantly seeing all the wonderful things about them and always hoping that others will do the same for them. But, when these very people cause me to feel inferior and make me look bad in front of others, it really sucks, even if they didn't really intend to cause any such effect. I'm not saying I've never faced this before, BUT THAT'S THE THING. I thought I had left those days far behind me. But, I suppose some things just find a way to catch up to you, in one form or another.

Saturday, June 1, 2013


There are certain people who, no matter how much they grow up, always remain a kid to you. And you wish that you could always keep them in a world where childish innocence is eternal. But you can't. And you're probably not even supposed to. But that doesn't stop you from wishing you could.