Wednesday, March 30, 2016

'Cause You're Alive, Cradled in Love.

Smiles and laughs and waves and hugs. More than you could have begun to expect to. More than you thought you would be capable of.

For all that each of you are, and for all that each of you do -
Thank you.

No matter what comes tomorrow and on the days that follow, I'm counting my blessings tonight.

Monday, March 21, 2016

Shooting Stars

The days feel like one very long day. A very, very long day.

There are things you know like the back of your hand. You can't un-know them in a day.
But then again, how much did you really know to begin with?

A billion stars that were born all at once just fall out of the sky. All at once.
Not one has the time to grant a thing.

Saturday, March 19, 2016

Benzene Bizarreness

Yesterday I was wondering if I should still be writing on this blog now that I have somewhere else to write.

Today I know that I can write here too, simultaneously.

Right now I need a vacation. I need this semester to be over soon, so that I don't have to worry about things like organic chemistry. It literally made me cry. Organic fucking chemistry made me cry the other night. I can't begin to explain how sad that is.

I kept procrastinating and putting off studying for last Tuesday's test, and I finally began the night before the exam. Now, I've pulled this shit off before, but this is Organic Chemistry-II we're talking about, and let's face it, my obsessive compulsive teacher has tried his best to design the course in such a way that you can't just get by with last minute preparations.

So, when it was 1:00 am and I saw how much I had left to do, I cried like a loser. Because of organic chemistry. Yes, solely organic chemistry. That's why it's so sad. The last time I had cried about studies was after a disastrous maths exam in seventh grade.

Anyways, thank God I pay attention in this one class. Some of the stuff had stuck in my head, and I just tried solving questions from the book. It wasn't the best exam according to me, but I got through.

It's just that, after shit like this, when I see that I've scored 90% on the test, it helps me get through a day that otherwise would have been pretty shitty. As nerdy as it sounds, momentarily I feel like I have something to push myself for. And that's good. Because right now I really do need a purpose. Even if its organic chemistry.

Yes. THAT'S how loser-like my life is.