Saturday, March 19, 2016

Benzene Bizarreness

Yesterday I was wondering if I should still be writing on this blog now that I have somewhere else to write.

Today I know that I can write here too, simultaneously.

Right now I need a vacation. I need this semester to be over soon, so that I don't have to worry about things like organic chemistry. It literally made me cry. Organic fucking chemistry made me cry the other night. I can't begin to explain how sad that is.

I kept procrastinating and putting off studying for last Tuesday's test, and I finally began the night before the exam. Now, I've pulled this shit off before, but this is Organic Chemistry-II we're talking about, and let's face it, my obsessive compulsive teacher has tried his best to design the course in such a way that you can't just get by with last minute preparations.

So, when it was 1:00 am and I saw how much I had left to do, I cried like a loser. Because of organic chemistry. Yes, solely organic chemistry. That's why it's so sad. The last time I had cried about studies was after a disastrous maths exam in seventh grade.

Anyways, thank God I pay attention in this one class. Some of the stuff had stuck in my head, and I just tried solving questions from the book. It wasn't the best exam according to me, but I got through.

It's just that, after shit like this, when I see that I've scored 90% on the test, it helps me get through a day that otherwise would have been pretty shitty. As nerdy as it sounds, momentarily I feel like I have something to push myself for. And that's good. Because right now I really do need a purpose. Even if its organic chemistry.

Yes. THAT'S how loser-like my life is.

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