Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Shorelines and Lifelines.

Staring into the sinking sun, feet cushioned by the warm sand, walking by yourself and yet with seventy-eight other people at the same time. I probably felt it then.

It's hard not to cherish and keep going back to.

There are people you see everyday. And then for three days, you see them more than you usually do, and you learn so much you had not known before.

About the girl who would barge into the bathroom, hopping on one-foot, to save you and your new clothes from the uncontrollable shower; who would race you down the empty corridors at 2:00 am; who would ask to share the shower to save time; who would honestly point things out to you when you couldn't point them out to yourself; who would patiently powder your face while you cringed and flinched and messed it all up; who would listen while you ranted and would offer you her best advice, only after laughing at your predicament for a little while.

And about that guy with the most beautiful voice; who would sing from his heart, and cause it to resonate in yours till dawn; who could write the most breathtaking music; who would make fun of you all the time; who would try so hard to live up to people's expectations of him even when he was in the depths of despair; who just could not swim and would float around in a swim ring; who would listen to you without a shred of weariness; who would tell you exactly what he thought; who would trust you; who would confide in you.

And of course that guy who would make you laugh all the time; who would blurt out that you were the best part of the three days; who would help everyone out; who would whimsically buy a sword while everyone else was buying jewelry or ceramic souvenirs; who would run around everywhere like the happiest little child; and yet sink into the worst melancholia in the midst of festivity; who would always worry about you drowning in the swimming pool; who just had so much learn and figure out; who would always be there for you, loyalty unfaltering.

And the countless people whom you had previously known nothing about, but now can even say you cherish.
Somewhere in between the 4:00 am card games, the walks on the beach, the swimming lessons, the exchange of accessories and life hack ideas, the photo sessions, the common frustration with the authority, the teamwork in shopping for presents, the ten-hour bus rides - something happens.

Something wonderful.

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