Thursday, March 29, 2012

Bliss in Ignorance?

We're all so busy looking for the truth. I wish we could just pause to think for a moment and realize that there is absolutely nothing wrong in NOT knowing.

" What you don't know might not kill you, but what you do know might." ~ This was said to me by a very wise man for whom I have the utmost respect, and although I felt like protesting to this, I couldn't.

Sometimes you just have to live in ignorance. Somethings are better left unknown. Knowledge is beautiful, but whoever said that it can never be dangerous is gravely mistaken. It can wither you, and that's what I've discovered. But then again, a lot of beautiful things turn out to be the most dangerous of all. Don't get me wrong, people should not be burying their heads in the sand and running away from reality, but there's also nothing wrong in not knowing what is not meant for you to know. If the truth hasn't shown up in front of your eyes for a while, there was probably a good reason for it...

There was a different kind of peace in ignorance: one that cannot be restored.


  1. very wise man for whom I have the utmost respect- one guess- sohab sir? :P
    sorry for comment spamming your blog posts, but i had something to say about all of them actually :P

  2. Arreh, no problem.. And who else would be the wise man? -__- :P
