Friday, March 30, 2012

A Beautiful Today?

Do you sit down and just reflect sometimes? You know, reflect on all that has happened? And you realize that there has been plenty of times when you were given and denied? It feels funny; this has happened again and again, yet you never learn. Or maybe you do...?? Perhaps you're used to it by now.. So, instead of thinking "I refuse to take it, because nothing lasts forever", you resort to another very different thought: "Let's make the best of it while it lasts."
Trust me, it helps. 'Cause whatever tomorrow brings, tomorrow will never be today. Make your today beautiful.. And see if you can surpass this beauty tomorrow...


  1. effect of today's conversation much? Im not really sure but i just remembered parts of our conversation while reading this. Im going to spam your blolg with comments, you cool with that?

    1. Cool with that? It's absolutely perfect! :D And yes, partly the effect of the conversation. And some of the inspiration was from your post "Do a flying kick?" That was my favorite :)
