Monday, May 7, 2012

Perfect Pampering

One good thing that has come out of the upcoming exams is that,all those around me are treating me like I'm royal (my brother would be an obvious exception, naturally).
For the past few days, my parents have been allowing me to wake up at around 10:00 in the morning because they know I'm not really a morning person. Once I retire to my room after breakfast, my dad asks me if he could get me tea or any other beverage. I politely decline because I like to make my own tea when I want it. Yesterday, I was hungry at around 9:00 pm, but not hungry enough for dinner. I casually mentioned this in front of my dad, and he hurried down to the nearest CP outlet to get me something to eat, despite my million protests. And then they're constantly trying to make sure I'm as comfortable as possible. It's really nice, you know. I mean, I've always known how my parents care for me unconditionally and I don't want them to worry too much, but they're really trying to keep me calm and relaxed. It's just so thoughtful, I can't help but appreciate it. These things are often taken for granted. And this treatment is not just coming from my parents, but also extended family members, specially my amazing grandmothers and my aunt. They keep asking me whether I need any stationery or other stuff, what I wish to eat, what they can cook for me, whether I want to go anywhere, etc.
As for my parents, they are now more concerned about keeping me in good spirits. They're giving me my space. They let me watch all my favorite TV programs, they allow me sufficient social time for Facebook and communicating with friends, they let me throw the house into chaos with loud music, and my family even goes on long drives about twice a week just like we always used to before the exams knocked on the door.
When I legally have time for all these, I don't really find it necessary to take time out of my studying hours to engage in such leisure activities. So, even if I do spend a smaller amount of time with my textbooks, I pay undivided attention to the revision during that time. And above all, I'm in a constant good mood, and that always helps!


  1. that is smart of your family. :)

  2. I know, right?! xD According to them, I should be done with the main revision, so now the goal is to keep me happy! :P
