Sunday, October 28, 2012

October, 2012.

So, the month of October is finally coming to an end. I thought that I'd blog about the whole month at the very end of it, but then there were a few things that I just HAD to note down from time to time before forgetting.

The thing is, I always wait for October because it's my birthday month and the weather's really pretty. Truth be told, this was my best October and I thank the Almighty for it. My seventeenth birthday was undoubtedly one of the few best days of my seventeen years of life, if not the VERY best. The effort that was put into it by my dearest and not-so-dearest friends was unimaginable. I was given the most amazing surprise party, the most heartfelt wishes, the most creative presents.
When your friends work hard to give a tune to a special poem that you once wrote, and it gets turned into a beautiful song, you can't help but get teary-eyed at the thoughtfulness of it all.
And then I received the best birthday present I have ever had, 'cause God knows how much I really wished I had it - the hard copy of "The Perks of Being a Wallflower".
The best part? The cover's blue in color, with yellow writing, and has Emma Watson on it! <3 EEEEEEEEEE! :D
Truly blessed I am.

So, birthdays are supposed to make you feel special, and luckily, the entire month has treated me that way. Parts of it were philosophical and practical, of course. Though I was reminded all over again, during discussions and notes, that things will one day change and friends will drift apart, both physically and mentally - I was also left with the belief that this doesn't have to happen today. And until the day arrives, we can keep on trying. I had pondered upon the idea of Nothing Lasts Forever, but then again, had I really found anything worth making an exception for? And now I look at my friends, and I just know that they are worth every fight.

"I know that one day we will be in different parts of the world, you doing whatever it is that successful genetic engineers do and, I, perhaps wiping the floors of NASA. And we'll be married to people we won't even know before a few years from now. Even then, I hope that you will call me up sometimes, just to complain about PMS or tell me that you're on your period."
^ When your best friend tells you that, how can you not have hopes of Forever?

Also, while Autumn leaves and makes way for yet another winter, I realize that it's okay to take chances, to stop thinking collectively for a moment and to live certain parts of your life without the walls.

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