Monday, October 8, 2012


At times, it seems that certain people are not there for you. Like, they abandoned you for no good reason. And you miss them and start getting scared because you think that everything has changed permanently.
But then, one day, when you're in a horrible state, they are suddenly there again. They help you out in the most subtle way, giving you moral support, defending you in front of others and making you laugh about the very things that may have been bothering you. And they ask you to be emo just because they miss taking care of you. Now, that is special. And such people are special. It just feels good to know that, for once, nothing at all has changed, and the dear ones never really left. People go through phases, and that's okay. 'Cause in the end, what matters is that they are there for you when you need them the most. What more could one ask for? :)

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