Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Hey There Delilah

That short car ride still comes to mind now and then, sometimes more frequently than other times. Now would be such a phase. Maybe that's why I haven't been very regular in returning their calls, haven't been getting enthusiastic with them. I guess a bit of me does not want to take any part in it.

I remember two of my friends sitting with me in the car. One of them offered me his phone, saying that I could listen to music on it if I was too bored. I felt guilty for being a buzzkill. I WAS trying not to let it show, but I guess I was doing a pretty lousy job at that. After a while, none of us was speaking. One of my friends was flipping through the radio channels, the other one had his earphones plugged in, and I was just.. sitting. From time to time, a few words were exchanged, about sports, traffic, school. I felt responsible for the dull mood, but I was saving up my strength for faking cheerfulness later on.
While my friend in the front seat flipped around, "Hey There Delilah" came up on the radio. I rolled my eyes, this was surely God's way of trolling with me. I wondered how to interpret it, but I'm not superstitious or anything. The irony, however, was incredible. I checked my phone, I was almost completely out of credit. I sent the last possible text to the only significant person who didn't hate me at the moment, just to say what song had coincidentally come up on the radio.

I excused myself, got up from my seat. She was enjoying her day, I guess. She looked at me, and asked in the most joking tone whether I was about to go and cry. I laughed at the absurdity of her funny question, though that was exactly what I had wanted to do. Then I sat back down, because I didn't want her to be right.

Friday, November 15, 2013

~ I've Got This Friend , I Don't Think You Know Him...

He's nineteen, capable of acting both three and thirty-five. He's shy, introverted, but that's only till you really get to know him. Amazing friend. THE VERY BEST. He'll ALWAYS be there to help you, but will SUPPORT you only when you're RIGHT. He's great in difficult situations, both his own and in that of others'. He is modest, often TOO modest, but you can tell that it's genuine and NOT an over-act. He's hilarious, always making me laugh till my tummy hurts, literally. He's sweet, passionate. Sometimes he has trouble expressing his feelings/thoughts, both in quality and quantity, perhaps because he's hardly very vocal. But when he tries, he can be the most convincing. And I feel special beyond words when I see him going out of his way, trying for ME. He makes me feel like I matter. He makes me feel things I've never felt before. Oh, and he's a great liar, but he'd never take UNFAIR advantage of it. And I'd trust his principles with me LIFE any day. He's one of a kind. Truly unique. Loyal. His wisdom denies the number of his years, as does his priceless childish madness. He is cute, lovable, caring. Amazing beyond words or any form of description. He showed me that love can be fun, exciting and meaningful, all at the same time. Doesn't just have to be one or the other. He taught me that it's REAL. He's a great boyfriend, not in the conventional way. He's the best guy, yes. But most girls would be unable to figure out the unusual boyfriend side of him. But, honestly, it's my favorite part of our relationship. He CAN be very cheesy, much to my surprise. And, well, I have an issue with cheesiness. But THIS, however, is a whole different thing. That's because I KNOW he MEANS everything. All of it has depth. And that really matters; it's beautiful. He's extra-ordinary, a superhuman. But he doesn't know that. I wish he did. Well, I am the luckiest. I don't know what I'd do without him. This isn't just the cliche sentence. It's LITERAL. And, well, it's still weird referring to him as my BOYFRIEND. :P And I LOVE that.
He takes the word "Infinite" to a whole new Infinity. And, I love him. Infinitely. :)

Monday, November 11, 2013

And Afterall (8) ... No, it's just the wordplay. :P

You totally did it. You made me go from that crappy pissed-off mood to a perfectly good mood. The only difference is that, this time, you did it without trying at all, let alone tying THAT hard. :P It was actually even more effective, though completely effortless. :O
This is so much better, no? :D
Circumstances change, yes. Minds change, certainly. And so do a lot of other things. But none of that changes the fact that you have a way with words, even when you aren't speaking to me, or to anyone at all in particular. Well, you aren't as skilled as I am (me being the ESPECIAL one and the master of wordplay xP), but you ARE pretty good. And, no, I shall not compare marks or grades with you. -_-

Oh, and, thank you, yeah? =)

Saturday, November 9, 2013

~ I've Seen It All And It's Never Enough, It Keeps Leaving Me Needing You.

This time, all I want is you,
There is no one else who can take your place -
This time, you burned me with the way
You see past all the lies,
You take it all away. (8)

^ True story.
And I'm as certain as I can ever be.