Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Hey There Delilah

That short car ride still comes to mind now and then, sometimes more frequently than other times. Now would be such a phase. Maybe that's why I haven't been very regular in returning their calls, haven't been getting enthusiastic with them. I guess a bit of me does not want to take any part in it.

I remember two of my friends sitting with me in the car. One of them offered me his phone, saying that I could listen to music on it if I was too bored. I felt guilty for being a buzzkill. I WAS trying not to let it show, but I guess I was doing a pretty lousy job at that. After a while, none of us was speaking. One of my friends was flipping through the radio channels, the other one had his earphones plugged in, and I was just.. sitting. From time to time, a few words were exchanged, about sports, traffic, school. I felt responsible for the dull mood, but I was saving up my strength for faking cheerfulness later on.
While my friend in the front seat flipped around, "Hey There Delilah" came up on the radio. I rolled my eyes, this was surely God's way of trolling with me. I wondered how to interpret it, but I'm not superstitious or anything. The irony, however, was incredible. I checked my phone, I was almost completely out of credit. I sent the last possible text to the only significant person who didn't hate me at the moment, just to say what song had coincidentally come up on the radio.

I excused myself, got up from my seat. She was enjoying her day, I guess. She looked at me, and asked in the most joking tone whether I was about to go and cry. I laughed at the absurdity of her funny question, though that was exactly what I had wanted to do. Then I sat back down, because I didn't want her to be right.

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