Friday, May 30, 2014


Happiness is:
Having a friend who calls you up in the middle of the night suspecting something is wrong just because your text included the words "Am I disturbing you?", who stays on the phone for hours despite you having a crappy network coverage and him having to repeat his words multiple times, who makes you laugh while you say sad things, who keeps accusing you of crying when he hears you laugh over phone, who can be extremely sexist and blames female hormones for being the source of all trouble in the world, who pisses you off by saying that although you think you're mature enough you're just a girl at the end of the day, who says you should never cry because you're the strongest girl he knows, who says you read too many books and you suck because you have a vocabulary like Stephen Hawking's, who says you're actually mature after all, who leaves the conversation for a while because he really needs to pee, who repeatedly asks if you're sure it's not just a severe case of PMS, who says "Haaireh, your poetic words can stab, you know!?" when you're trying to make a point, who tells you things you already knew but needed to hear again, who has been there for you through everything.

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