Tuesday, March 31, 2015


It has been a while since I've written. Not just here, but anything at all. But here I go. Not because my writing spirit is back. But because I want to remember this. That's what this post is. Just a way for me to remember the day. 29th March, 2015.

The day started at 9:10 am.
First time in an arcade gaming zone, a childish way to begin the day - motorbike racing through the forests of Africa while monkeys threw freaking bananas to distract me,  shooting together at zombies on pirate ships, failing to pick up one of those stuffed puppets with the impossible claw, dancing off awkwardly to some annoying Kylie Minogue song.
Then randomly walking into a store selling household utensils and furniture, walking to the very back of the store and unthinkingly lying down next to each other on a bed from one of those model bedroom settings. Yeah, bucketlist thing.
Getting the tiniest breakfast because you want to save your appetite for later, buying tickets for the movie you really wanted to watch but thought you couldn't because it was a late show and then having to buy it anyway because the earlier movie was oh-so-conveniently unavailable so it was pretty obvious what you now had to do to save the day.
Spending half an hour on the rickshaw just talking about how it all happened exactly two years ago and being amazed at how it led to today.
And then going to the buffet place you always wanted to go to together and spending over three hours and a half, eating good food and talking and being weird and watching the final match of the cricket world cup and being able to be there at the winning moment when he is overjoyed by the win of a team he loves.
Traveling back to watch the movie, but stopping to get the best chocolate doughnuts on the way even though you're completely full.
Watching the movie and wishing the day wouldn't end.
And then being thankful that there was still one car ride left before the day ended.
And being all YOLO. Haha!
Finally, getting home and being proud of your PowerPoint skills since your geeky 'presentation' was a total tearjerker, in a good way. :D
And feeling so happy. So very happy.


730 days.

Yes, some days are hard; some days are harder.

But even during the times when it's hard, it makes sense. It took me a while to understand this. It's when you'd rather have something that you care enough about to be insanely affected by it very easily, instead of having something which is just..okay, all the time.
Wouldn't you rather have something that's got enough of you to madly frustrate you and also make you feel like you've just been handed a slice of heaven? Wouldn't you want something that makes you feel everything?

Because I would. Something that can raise waves and tsunamis and volcanic eruptions; the absence of which makes every tick of the clock feel like blood pulsing behind a bruise, the presence of which feels like a million stars being born all at once.

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