Sunday, April 1, 2012

AwFooly April

Okay, so officially there are 40 days left till my exams. I'm not even freaking out anymore. It's pointless. You think this sudden courage is because I'm fully prepared? Haha, good joke -_-
It's not that I suck at the academic shit, but I could definitely use some more practice. And a LOT more concentration. Specially in maths. Maths has always been my weakest subject, but I've been doing fairly well.. The worst part is that I make the silliest mistakes. They ask me to find the area of a  freaking circle, and I give them the circumference -__- ... I copy the question wrong. I forget to place the freaking minus signs! -__-
It's not even like I don't know the formula and stuff; it's just that I wasn't paying enough attention to the question. Then what WAS I doing, you ask? Oh, I don't know. There was a couple of times when I lost a lot of marks just because I skipped two pages while flipping through the question paper. Now that is unacceptable at this point. One of my teachers advised me to wet my fingers with spit before turning the page so that I don't skip. Gross. But still, he's got a point.
To top things off with shit, my first exam is MATHS -_-
It's like they're trying to demoralize me and make me suck in all the following exams. And this is not even some school midterm or annual thingy. This is 'O' LEVELS, for crying out loud! Okay, maybe I AM still freaking out a little. And maybe more than just a little. But does that mean I'm going to give up all forms of entertainment and shut myself up in a desolate room just to study? Sadly, no. That's not me. I'd rather revise the night before the exam. Okay, maybe a few nights before, since this is 'O' levels we're talking about.

I have always been kind of afraid of April. You know, the exams are a month away. Everyone around you is crazy. It's like they're more worried than you are. Makes you feel a teeny bit guilty, if you know what I mean.. And then you think of all that you could have been doing instead of preparing for the exams. And then I think of last April, it was the wildest time of my life. One of my best friends (also referred to as my sister) and I declared ourselves as VAGABONDS and we went about vagabonding for an entire month. No, this isn't just some ordinary "bidding farewell to family and seeing the world" trip. We would leave home every afternoon and return after evening. It's just that all of it was so ILLEGAL (Read: Unknown to parents). You know, breaking the rules has a whole lot of thrill in it. I'll probably write about vagabonding in details another day. Because it will take me HOURS to explain how unbelievably awesome it was. Yeah, but then eventually you just get caught by the adults and then they ground you for a while and make sure you never go sneaking off again. But for how long does that stop you? I'll also discuss that some other day.

April is just weird, you know. In one way or the other, it ends up being the best month of my year, only to end very soon, taking away all the awesomeness it brought along. Kind of like it just made a fool out of me. Yeah, sometimes I feel that I'm the perfect example of an April Fool. I could go on and on about this, but I kind of decided that I will not complain about what I don't have (or what I've lost), so yeah.. whatever happens is always for the best. ~ It feels good to believe that.

I had been attending all these extra classes after school (coaching and shit) to prepare for my 'O' levels. But now I've stopped those classes, because April and May should be my "Study at home in peace" time. Well, that's my MOM's plan. The reason I'm saying this is because it feels so weird, you know. To shift outside a regular routine. As tiring as they were, those afternoon classes gave me a chance to have some variety in my daily routine. For the best part, I got to see my friends for a long period of time. Now that's going to change. And people who know me will understand the seriousness of the situation.. because, I ABSOLUTELY HATE CHANGES! -__-

And now I'm at home. I will not be seeing any of my friends today. Or tomorrow. My mock exams at school begin on the 3rd. That's two days away. There's nothing to revise, really. I'll just go and find something to do now. This post was kind of random, but I just wrote what I was thinking. And I'm not always going to write high-thought stuff.. That would be a little weird.. but oh well, I'll leave it here for now.

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