Saturday, April 27, 2013

And, again, it's time for it to flash back.

I keep getting those memory flashes. I always did, but right now it actually bothers me. It has been so for the past few days. Staying on my own for the majority of the time isn't helping at all. This is no big surprise or anything, but it simply sucks. It has been catalyzed by a number of other things. I had a very ridiculous, funny conversation with my cousin the other day, where she brought up a lot of things in the most joking manner. I laughed along during the conversation. But, all of it started flooding back to me later on, the next day. I had sort of forgotten quite a few of the dumb details until all that was talked about again. Worse than the conscious thoughts are the fragments of the nightmares I have. They not only involve those times, but also the possible effects of those times on the present and future. This part is a new addition made this year. It's terrifying.
I know this is just a matter of a few days and then it will be over for a very long time. So, I'm not over-worrying or anything. But the timing is really bad, you know? Right before exams. Always. Well, of course. Anyways, I'll get by just fine. That I know. But still, I do hope that one day it stops coming back altogether. Forever.

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