Saturday, April 6, 2013


I have been meaning to write a post about feminism for a while. And today I just feel like it. No, this isn't a rebellious post where I preach about women's power and rights. I doubt this is even about feminism. This is just a thought, in all its simplicity.

I have seen guys who treat their girlfriends like shit. I have seen them trying to dominate and overpower their significant others, not giving much significance at all.
I have also seen guys who treat their special women very specially. I have seen these gentlemen put their respective special ones above everything else, always trying to grant every wish and make all dreams come true. Then I have seen these very men treat everyone else around them like scum - and in less extreme cases, simply as unworthy inferiors.

If asked, I would fail to decide which category is worse. The first kind is abuse. The second is merely deception. At the end of the day, I honestly don't know which I'd hate more.
When dealing with the first kind, if I was the victim, well, what can I say? It would be like living under oppression every hour of every day. And how can one live like that?
And, as for the second kind, I'd be a lucky girlfriend. But what if I wasn't the girlfriend? What if I wasn't even the crush? What if I was someone who just knew the guy? I'd be treated by him with little or no importance even when I deserved better than that. And if the lucky girlfriend is happy with a man like that, wow, good luck for the future.

I see many people around me - several guys who think of women as their inferiors, and many others who believe in equality.

The thing is, when we women want feminism to be promoted, we're NOT asking you to give us a chance to dominate over you men. We're not asking to be superior to you. All we're asking for is to let us have as much as a chance as you do. Let us be an equal part of the important things. Give us a chance to make a difference, a positive one.

I'm not just talking in terms of affairs and commitments here. But that did seem like a good place to start.

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