Thursday, April 12, 2012

And They Light Up My Dark . . .

So, I'm happy today. The day didn't start out that great. For one thing, I woke up to the sound of a violent storm raging outside. I looked out the window, thought it was nighttime by seeing the intensity of the darkness, and tried to sleep again. Then, noticing that it was actually 8:00 in the morning, I rose to find my window seal flooding with rain. So, if morning really did make the day, my day was doomed.

Eventually, the storm began to retreat, though it remained cloudy. I called up one of my best friends, just because I was bored. We talked for a long time after a long time! She updated me with all the news that I had missed out on. Turns out things were pretty eventful and aggressive yesterday. So yeah. Then we talked about some philosophy. And lastly, we reminisced about our childhood. The awesome, hilarious memories! Unfortunately, she was not a part of my childhood and I was not a part of hers. This is because I had already stepped into my teenage when I befriended her. Talking to her was awesome, though. I forgot that I had been feeling under the weather, like literally. We cherished our childhood times, and finally concluded that the most amazing thing is that, in our hearts, we're still children. We still run around like crazy in parks, climb slides, chase cats, fling off our sandals and run down the stairs barefooted, and what else, what not! We don't HAVE to grow up. Retaining one's inner child is a wonderful thing. And then we appreciated all that we have. This particular friend is seemingly the emo-est of the bunch. Her optimism boosted my spirits. At the end of the conversation, both of us were determined to make the best out of the present instead of worrying too much about what has happened or what may happen.

Later today, I talked to another one of my closest friends. He gave me a funnier version of yesterday's aggressive events. Before long, I was laughing like crazy even though we spoke of danger. Then we started talking about the most random and insignificant people. Turns out this weird, arrogant girl is starting to have a crush on this particular friend. He was telling me about how much it freaks him out while she always giggles and cheer-leads for him when he's playing carom. There are other tell-tale signs of this hilarious crush and I began tormenting my friend without further delay. I annoyed him till he begged for mercy and pleaded with me so that I don't spread this new gossip. Just to irritate him further, I kept trying to convince him that this new discovery has the potential of developing into something beautiful, while he continued to protest in exasperation. I laughed till I had to clutch my sides to keep them from hurting. It reminded me of how I should be making "A Beautiful Today", which I was doing quite successfully right then.

This afternoon, yet another friend contacted me. This friend, though not as close to me as my closest ones, is quite special in a different way. He is none other than the person who had once been the radiance. Of course, it's different now, but that doesn't change the fact that he's a good friend. It's funny how we talked and laughed so much today. Exactly a year ago, on the 12th of April 2011, we had met up. That day had been amazing for me. We had spent the afternoon like children, eating ice-cream and drawing pictures of Pokémons. Unlike today, the sky was sunny last year. But when we made fools of ourselves, like children, on the phone this afternoon, it felt like the sun was shining once again. I was truly appreciating all that I have.

Then, just a while ago, another best friend of mine called me up. I was delighted to hear from her. This was all that was needed to make this day absolutely perfect for me! She asked about my plans for the Bangla New Year, and tried her best to make me enthusiastic about the celebration. And she succeeded, because I found myself planning for the day as soon as I was done speaking to her. Fortunately, I also managed to tell her about the weird, arrogant girl falling for our friend. She was all too willing to spread the word. I feel so pleasantly evil.

So, yes. A great day. Though I stayed home while it rained and stormed outside, I felt surrounded by all those who matter the most to me. And the truth is, I really AM surrounded by these wonderful people, who light up my world in the darkest of hours.

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