Tuesday, April 17, 2012


~ This was written by me in August, 2011. The inspiration came from the song "The Last Cigarette" by Bon Jovi. This writing does not reflect my life in any way. It's just supposed to be something creative. Also, this is from a guy's point of view. And yes, my best friend suggested the title for this writing, so the title selection credit goes to her  =)


Crawling through dark passageways
Past the cobwebs inside my head,
Splashing in pools of lies,
Staring out of bloodshot eyes.

I fight to find peace in my mind,
Ignorance was far too kind;
Though I know you're on the move,
Can't believe you're gone for good.

Smoke rising from yet one more cigarette,
The music playing used to be your favorite;
I've tried to create our atmosphere,
Was isolation all I feared?

My exhausted eyes play tricks on me,
I'm seeing you where I think you should be:
Sitting by the cackling fireplace,
The flame reflecting off your tired face.

I can hear your voice in the air,
Radiating from the concrete layers;
It haunts, it taunts, it mocks even more,
And I regret not hearing your cries before.

Looking round my stagnant room I see
All the objects that witnessed you and me,
I wonder if they could ever tell
That you would leave before farewell.

And the old wall clock still ticks by,
Its hands are tired, but never die.
Don't you think they're a lot like me,
Circling in a frame, never free?

In parts of me, the stubborn memories linger
How delicate your hair felt beneath my fingers;
The old visions fade, but they leave a trace,
Like the ashes that lie in my fireplace.

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