Sunday, April 29, 2012

You were once wild ; don't let them tame you . . .

We often see movies where they teach us about the importance of being ourselves and not trying to be somebody we're not. However common this theme may be, it is not one to be ignored. Being yourself is the key to growing independently as an individual. And it is not always easy to be who you really are. There will always be people who will try to alter you into something you're not. It's not always because they wish to harm you; it may be because that's who THEY are. There will be people who will try to demoralize you, make you feel inferior and parasite upon your confidence. They will make you feel insignificant, hold you below themselves at all times, and eventually persuade you to do the same.
But you do not have to give in to this disdain. You always have a choice, and no one can deprive you of it until you let them do so. The choice may be a difficult one, but it's there. Allow people to advise you; it's okay to let others help. But you must be careful while distinguishing help from harm. Respect others' opinions while voicing your own. Your view is just as important as anyone else's, no more and no less. If you're against something, stand up for it, speak against it. Don't become a victim of somebody else's condescending opinion just to avoid the chaotic consequence of a disagreement.
I've learnt one thing in life. You can never be true to someone else while you're being untrue to yourself. If you deceive yourself, you are deceiving all those around you. Know yourself, love yourself. And change only the things where YOU believe you require improvement. You aren't bound to be what others want to see in you. 
I'm not saying that you should be selfish or self-obsessed, but you must care about yourself. When you don't care about yourself, it gives a message to others: I don't give a shit about myself and you shouldn't waste time bothering about me either. 
But when you do make an effort and investment on yourself, it tells others: I care about myself and my own good, and you should do the same because I'm worth it.
You will miss out on a lot if you don't set your spirit free and keep it that way.

When I think about all that I've been through - the inferiority complex, the lack of confidence, the constant fear - I happen to regret the turning point that occurred in my life precisely three years ago from today. Growing up, always being surrounded by the most loving family and friends, it was no easy feat when I plunged into a completely different universe where none of those were allowed to exist - your universe. You were insecure, weren't you? You were scared that I would leave because you considered yourself unworthy? Well, why couldn't you just be straightforward about your problem? Why did you have to convince me that I'd gotten more than I deserved, just so that I would never seek anything else? Had nobody ever taught you that you must set your loved one free? Sometimes you have to take chances. I had given up everything, hadn't I, just so that I could fit myself into your lonely little world?
I'm glad I realized the mistake before it was too late. When I came back to my senses, I still had a little time left to hurry back to my realm and try to regain all that I had thrown away because of you. I will always be eternally grateful to those few people who helped me rebuild the bridges that I had burnt: all the bridges that led back to my world, which has always been full of people I love: people who love me for who I am.

When I look back on all of this, I'm overcome by mixed emotions. But don't you ever think that I'm blaming you. I'm not. That's who YOU are. It's my fault that I'd given you that power to tame me and make me lose myself. But then again, no regrets. If it weren't for this experience of nearly two years, I wouldn't have completely known myself and my capacity. I've learned never to limit myself, all thanks to you. You taught me the hard way, but a lesson is a lesson, and a lesson is always valuable. And I'm sorry I wasn't honest with you about my opinions, but trust me, I was lying to myself as well, trying to convince myself all the while that our opinions were the same. I don't know how you're doing now, but I can proudly say that I'm better than ever before, and I sincerely wish the same for you. If you hadn't tried to alter me into you, I wouldn't have known who I really was. The difference between the two of us was a real eye-opener. Thank you.

~ It is commonly said that the person worth your sacrifice is the one who'll never ask you to give anything up. However common this saying may be, this is something else that must not be ignored. It's very true, no matter how cheesy it may sound. When you find the right person who is worth the forfeit, that certain person will never ask you to do so. Only then will you ever have a win-win situation.

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