Sunday, April 22, 2012


Eighteen days to go. I was just looking at the exam routine and it freaked me out. I'll have no time to revise during the exams. I'll barely have time to get enough sleep! There'll be three days on which I'll have exams in the morning as well as the afternoon. And there's almost no free days in between the others. Oh my God! Talk about stressful! But on the bright side, it will be over in a flash.
It's weird how all I think about is "after the exams" instead of focusing on revision. Some things never change. Now isn't that comforting? Where's the pressure?! I mean, sure I feel pressurized, but not enough to do anything much about it.
People who think I'm not studying because I'm emo will be sort of mistaken. I'm alright now. It's not the emoness. It's the devil perching on my shoulder in the form of idleness and procrastination.
The reason why I don't update my blog as much as before is quite valid. I don't spend as much time in front of the computer now. Not because I'm doing anything productive during that time, but simply because my parents freak out when they see me at my leisure these days. That's very natural. I'm lucky to have such cool parents who aren't kicking my ass yet.
Anyways, life is still beautiful. I should get back to my Chemistry now. Yes, I'm talking about the subject.


  1. It's weird how all I think about is "after the exams" instead of focusing on revision. - don't worry we all do that. i planned out a whole day of HD harry potter movie watching (yes, all 8 in a day) after my cousin's O's are through.

    Yes, I'm talking about the subject. - LMFAO!

  2. Yeah, that's us :D
    And the chemistry thing looked wrong after I was done writing it :P
