Sunday, April 8, 2012

Boredom And What It Does To People

Power cuts? I hate them. Thank God the world cooled down a bit after the rain. I hate the rain, though. The wind is awesome, but the rain? No, not really.
Cloudy days are weird. Mostly, I'm bored. Otherwise, I'm asleep. If none of those, I become a victim of nostalgia. That usually sucks. Conclusion is, I end up doing nothing productive.Which would explain why my textbooks collected an unusual amount of dust over this weekend. 'O' levels exams are a month away. I couldn't care less. I mean, seriously, what's the point of worrying now?  I will save all the worry, though, for the night before the exams begin. Then everything will happen too fast, so I won't get too much time to think about all the scary exam stuff. Knowing myself, I will end up worrying the most right before the results. Like when you get that nauseated feeling in your stomach? That's the one. God, I'm so bored.
Why do I get so bored these days? According to my mom, I'm not even supposed to have any time for anything at all, provided that I spend all my time studying. Yeah, that explains why I DO have so much time to get bored.
Power cuts make things worse. But thanks to Gaston Leroux's "Phantom of the Opera", I have been able to pass my time reading. When I'm tired of reading, I just find someone to annoy. Mostly, it's my brother. But recently, he has told my mom that his life sucks ever since I started staying home during the afternoons. I was offended, of course, because as far as I'm concerned, I'm delightful to be around. Now I mostly give my brother the silent treatment. It will hopefully teach him a lesson. Nobody knows the worth of water until the well is dry.
So, I have resorted to annoying my friends. I either send them the random-est messages online. Or I just call them up and irritate them until they are close to tears. That's what I did with Daddy on Friday.
I should get going now. And maybe study? Or not. Who cares? We're all gonna die anyways.


  1. rain - i hate it too. but only when im out. when im in, let it rain :D
    and you too with the "we're all gonna die anyways" thing ? :O :|

    1. Well, I hate the rain, inside or out. Though sometimes I wouldn't mind running around in the rain. Those are rare exceptions. And the "We're all gonna die anyways" thing was a phrase that suddenly became very popular among the three of us. I don't exactly remember how or why, but something tells me it had something to do with NOT practicing Pure Maths :P
