Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Just Keep Your Fingers Crossed

So, I'm learning over and over and all over again that nothing will last forever. Just when you think that you've got nothing left to lose, you build yet another bridge somewhere else. And eventually, the time comes for that bridge to break just like all the ones before it. And you think that you've had enough. Well, I've had enough.
Just when there was only one thing that I wished to hold on to for all eternity, and I would've been able to accept the loss of anything else but this, it just begins to go up in smoke. Like everything else before it. I'm surprised how all this smoke hasn't literally clogged my trachea yet. But I'm not going to be emo over this. It's not like I've never considered that this might happen. The sad truth is, even if you do predict a fallout, it's never easy to be PREPARED for it.

Anyways, enough of that. I really don't want to write anything more about it. Everyone has different destinations in the course of his/her lifetime. That's only natural. You can't keep people in one place forever. Even though it might seem like you're the only one who hasn't moved, trust me, you have. If not yet, then you will in the future.
So, yeah. Happy things.
I have a break before my last two mocks - Biology and Economics.
I'm still not studying and I doubt that I will during this break, but oh well.
So, the Bangla New Year is on it's way. 14th of April. I have absolutely NO plans. I don't know why, but I just don't have the usual zeal this year. Or maybe I do know why, but whatever. I'll just leave time to play its cards, and then let's see where I end up celebrating on that day. Really, how bad could it be? Don't answer that, it was a rhetorical question -_-

I still have a very hard time believing that school is almost over. It's so weird, man! I've got my fingers crossed for a good ending. So far, nothing's looking up. But sometimes, crossing your fingers is the best (Read: only) thing to do. Let's just wait and see; let everyone else play his/her card first. Because, for once, I've got nothing up my sleeve.

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