Tuesday, April 24, 2012


~ Just one of those times when I feel very lucky, appreciative and inspired...


Look into the crowd, so many faces all around,
Some bear frowns, others wear a smile,
A few just break down and cry for a while;
Each with a different past, a unique story left behind.

See that little girl with the tangled hair,
Tattered clothes, her tiny feet bare,
Walking along the road, through the pitch and sand,
Pretty flowers in her tender hands?
She stops by a car, a smile upon her face,
The precious flowers held in a dear embrace.
But the passenger wants no flower today,
And without a second glance, waves her away.
So she speeds off to the next car
Perhaps they'll buy a rose from her;
As the day wears on, she runs hither and thither
While her smile and flowers slowly wither.

Do you see the fragile man in that old home,
On the balcony, sitting all alone?
He looks up to the sunny sky, and after one long sigh,
Remembers the red kite he once used to fly;
Those were the golden times, the fresh village air,
His boyhood passed without a single care;
Surrounded by all those he dearly loved,
Flying his beloved kite high above.
He's still a lucky man, as he will tell you,
He's got sons and daughters, and grandchildren, too.
But he hasn't seen them in a thousand days,
Since they all live a thousand miles away.

Look, there's that young man, rushing off to work,
Won't be returning home till it's after dark.
As he drives by, it will be clear to you,
That he's prosperous, very well-to-do.
But those dark shadows beneath his bloodshot eyes
Tell the tale of a sad man dwelling in joyful lies.
He hates every moment spent in his grand home,
Where he is left utterly on his own.
A long decade ago, he lost the love of his life
Ever since, he's been locked up in his lonesome hive.
He had the most flawless future planned out in his head,
And now he's haunted by the ghost of the dreams long dead.

Look around and see the faces in the crowd,
The sun will find a way out through the clouds.
So don't be weary, 'cause life will carry
All that's beautiful is temporary.
Now just live and love all that you've been given,
We all lose, gain, and sometimes break even;
You've got more luck than many out there,
So why not cherish all that's in your share?


  1. A long decade ago, he lost the love of his life
    Ever since, he's been locked up in his lonesome hive.
    He had the most flawless future planned out in his head,
    And now he's haunted by the ghost of the dreams long dead. - wow!
