Thursday, April 19, 2012

Just Another Beginning...

I just re-read an old post: "Journey within the (Yellowish) Walls". And it feels sad to think that I will not be seeing much of these yellowish walls anymore. Yesterday, we celebrated the last day of our school-life. Well, maybe it wasn't exactly the OFFICIAL last day, but since our school is not going to make any sort of occasion out of this, we just took the responsibility on our shoulders. Sure, the administration kicked us out before we even did anything; but then we began our day on the streets outside the yellowish walls. We did get to prepare within the walls though. By preparation, I mean filling balloons with water and all.
Once we were outside under the sunny sky, the color fight began! I don't remember being in such a big color fight ever before. And I couldn't have wished for a better group of people to share this experience with. A lot of our people were not present though. This was very unfortunate, but oh well, life carries on. 
In one of my previous posts, I talked about my fear of changes. I mentioned my first friends, two girls, who don't even speak to one another anymore. This had been troubling me for a long time because my first real school memories revolve around these people, and so finally, I decided to do something about it. At first, I approached one of them and asked exactly what had happened. Then, after long conversations with both of them, they were convinced that they should be on good terms at the end of this journey. This may or may not later evolve into the awesome friendship that they once shared, but for now, friendly terms is good enough. I cannot begin to describe how great this made me feel. And even if this does not work out at all, I will know that I have tried. And that does mean something.
Yesterday turned out to be one of the most memorable and amazing days in my (little more than) sixteen years of life. I keep telling myself that it's not the end, but just another beginning. When I started going to school, I didn't know what I was stepping into. And now, once again, I'm not sure of what is about to begin. Maybe that IS the beauty. The only certainty in life is uncertainty. But whatever is beginning for myself, I want all these special people to be in this with me once again. All these people who made the yellowish walls so tolerable, so memorable, and even so lovable. I don't like changes, as I've said a million times before, but it's time to accept the fact that there will always be changes. One more wonderful than the previous, or maybe more painful than all the ones before it. But in the end, life is beautiful: as beautiful as you make it, and as beautiful as you let others make it for you.

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