Thursday, April 5, 2012


~ Ever felt weary of how people walk in... just to walk away in the end?

Looking back on the past, don't you wonder
What it was that had pulled you under?
You thought that it was gone for good,
But how could you have thought that so soon it would?
So many people, so many years,
Newer bonds and newer fears -
Always there, engulfing you
Corrupting your judgment, that's all they do.
People do come, and then they leave
While they stay, they make you believe;
At a crucial time, they slip out of the frame,
Taking torn pieces of you with them.
Still time erodes and time does heal,
But then you don't know how to feel;
It just leaves you somewhere in between,
What good is rising amidst only ruins?
And just when you think you've started afresh,
In the gaping cuts you've grown new flesh.
That's when they use their razor-end claws,
And on the leftover scars they begin to draw.
So you scream and you yell, you can take no more
While you bleed, they walk out your door;
They never look back, not even for a glance,
And you curl up in another gory trance.
In your wounded state for years or hours,
You wonder why you gave them that power -
The power they nurtured until the point
It could burn your tissues and crack your joints.
Once again, you are left all broken and bent
By now, it's hardly called an accident;
You know that it's happened again and again -
This deadly flaw of your judgment.
So with a groan of pain, you finally reach out
To gather your pieces with a mind full of doubt,
And you hide behind yet another shroud,
Disappearing into an unknown crowd.
And then you vow and you solemnly swear
To walk alone, never going back in there;
And above all, you'll never again care
So that in the end there's nothing to fear.
But tell me, please, with all honesty,
For how long your promise do you keep?
How long before your steps you retrace,
And hold the familiar pain in your embrace?


  1. People do come, and then they leave
    While they stay, they make you believe;

    ^ made my day i guess. :)

    i kinda guessed how this was about to end even before reading the end (H)

  2. Glad you liked it :)
    And yeah, it was kinda predictable :P
